Zine: Cat's Cradle

"Cat's Cradle" is a tiny story about mimicking someone. It's not quite sci-fi, but it feels like it...maybe because it was inspired by a scene near the end of Annihilation. (I won't spoil the movie and neither does the zine.)

A hand holding the zine "Cat's Cradle: A tiny story." The cover includes the title of the zine. Behind the text, there are multicolored curved lines drawn with colored pencils.

Here's the full text of the story:

It's like playing cat's cradle,
but we aren't using string.

I do one thing.
She does something else that feels like...
an extension. A continuation.

And then we swap.

She does one thing—
says a phrase, draws some lines, moves her arm
just so.

I extend—
a line of poetry, a floral doodle, a yoga pose.

And then we swap.

The training protocol doesn't specify how to teach.
Just that I'm supposed to.

I report progress back to the team.

And then we swap.

Five copies of the zine "Cat's Cradle: A tiny story," fanned out on a green background.

Zine: Hipster Doctor Who

Doctor Who celebrates its 60th anniversary next month. I collected some quotes from the Doctor in a zine…with random hipster photos. 🤭 Saturated colors, vintage objects, and a soft tone—this style of photo was all over the internet in the late 2000s and early 2010s.

A hand is holding the zine Hipster Doctor Who. The zine cover has a purple, blue, and red galaxy image in the background. Text on top of the image says Hipster Doctor Who in all uppercase letters. 'The inside cover of the zine Hipster Doctor Who. The page includes a series of quotes by the Doctor over a semi-transparent galaxy image. Two pages of Hipster Doctor Who. Page 1 is a vintage photo of a hot air balloon floating over Paris. Page 2 is a photo of broken glass. Two pages of Hipster Doctor Who. The page on the left has a photo of an ocean wave washing across sand. The page on the right has a photo of a sunflower with rain droplets across the photo.

Zine: Work in Progress

“Work in Progress” includes process photos and notes about how I made some of my zines. Not tutorials. More like DVD commentary, but for zines.

I designed this in Canva and printed it through Mixam. (Not an ad, haha. I like sharing how I make stuff. Hence, this zine.)

A hand is holding the zine Work in Progress. The cover of the zine has a light blue background. A photo on the cover shows an index card with notes, some illustrations of a man pushing a boulder up a hill, a notebook, and a purple zine. A close-up view of page 1 from the zine Work in Progress. Pages 2 and 3 of the zine Work in Progress. These pages show rough sketches and finished illustrations from a zine titled How to teleport safely. A two-page spread from the zine Work in Progress. These pages show initial drawings and completed pages from the zine Vignettes from Camelot.

Zine: Modern-day Sisyphus

“Modern-day Sisyphus” is a mini zine about 21st century tasks that never go away.

The zine is inspired by Sisyphus, a figure from Greek mythology who is tasked with rolling a boulder up a mountain, only for the boulder to roll back down every time he reached near the top.

Copies are available on Etsy.

A hand is holding a purple zine titled, Modern-day Sisyphus: 21st century tasks that never go away.

Page 1 has a summary of the story of Sisyphus.

Page 2 lists chores that are repetitive: washing dishes, doing laundry, dusting, and vacuuming. At the bottom of page 2, there’s an illustration of a man rolling a boulder up a hill.

A summary of the Greek myth of Sisyphus is presented alongside a drawing of his struggle with the boulder, with a comparison to mundane tasks like washing dishes and vacuuming.

Pages 3 and 4 list tasks that are repetitive: making the bed, replying to emails, mowing the lawn, taking out trash, and paying bills. At the bottom of the pages, there’s an illustration of a man rolling a boulder up a hill.

A silhouette of Sisyphus pushing a boulder up a hill is depicted alongside a list of repetitive tasks like making the bed and paying bills.

Pages 5 and 6 list positive things that are repetitive: listening to favorite songs, making a cup of coffee, saying good night to loved ones, cooking favorite meals, celebrating holidays, and spending time on hobbies. At the bottom of the pages, there’s an illustration of a man rolling a boulder up a hill.

A silhouetted figure pushes a boulder uphill against a purple background, accompanied by text about repeating enjoyable activities.

Here’s the back cover:

The back cover of the zine features a thank you message, Instagram information, and a QR code from Mythical Type.

Zine: Song lyrics I mishear

“Song lyrics I mishear” is a mini zine that lists lyrics where I hear the wrong words. Each page is about one song and includes the actual lyrics along with what I hear instead.

I wanted the interior pages to be a mix of typed text (the actual song lyrics) and handwritten notes (the words I hear). This way, the pages look like they’re annotated.

Copies are available on Etsy.

A hand is holding a mini zine titled Song lyrics I mishear. Misheard lyrics from All Star by Smash Mouth and Once in a Lifetime by Talking Heads. Misheard lyrics from Somewhere Only We Know by Keane and At Least It Was Here by The 88, featuring handwritten thoughts on their lyrics. Misheard lyrics from Move Along by The All-American Rejects and I Want to Hold Your Hand by The Beatles. The back cover of the zine.

Zine: Things we wouldn’t have to worry about if we didn’t depend on cars

I've been particularly annoyed lately about how much we depend on cars, so I made a little zine about it.

A hand holds a mini zine called "Things we wouldn't have to worry about if we didn't depend on cars." The text is printed in black on a white background. Above and below the text, there's a black and white map of Chicago streets.

I'm not saying we should eliminate cars completely. I want better public transportation so everyone has more and better options for getting around.

Here are the interior pages.

Zine: An Incomplete History of Zany Brainy

"An Incomplete History of Zany Brainy" is a 20-page zine about a U.S. retail chain from the 1990s. These stores focused on affordable, educational toys for children.

The cover of "An Incomplete History of Zany Brainy" zine on a purple background.

The zine includes background on Zany Brainy, my favorite toys from the store, and what happened to Zany Brainy after the company declared bankruptcy in 2001.

I also made a digital version that is available on itch.io. You can download the zine as a PDF to read on your favorite screen. It's a pay-what-you-want model, which also means you can download it for free. (I totally don't mind if you do!)

The cover of the zine "An Incomplete History of Zany Brainy" on a purple, red, and blue background. White text at the top of the image says "Also available as a digital zine!" White text at the bottom of the image says "Pay what you want on itchi.io"

Note that this is meant to be read as a digital zine. This is not formatted for printing and folding a paper copy.

I had a lot of fun collecting info and reminiscing about Zany Brainy while I made this zine. I hope you enjoy reading it!

Zine: Playground games in the 1990s

"Playground games in the 1990s" is a pros and cons list of recess activities that were popular in elementary school. (At least in central Pennsylvania, in the 1990s.)

A hand holds a copy of "Playground games in the 1990s" on a blue background

Each page includes small illustrations relating to playground activities. I drew on Whitelines paper, so I could draw with a regular pen and then photograph the paper to use the drawings digitally.

Here are the interior pages.

Zine: Movies I never want to see again

"Movies I never want to see again" is about movies I watched one time and do not want to watch again. This doesn't mean they're bad movies! But something about them makes me feel like once is enough.

The cover of "Movies I never want to see again." The text is printed in black on red paper. In the bottom right corner, there's a photo of a spilled popcorn bucket.

I drafted this zine by hand and then I made it in Canva. The popcorn bucket on the front is modified from Terrance Barksdale's photo on Pexels.

It's an 8-page mini zine printed on red paper. Actually, this is the first mini zine I've printed on something besides white paper. :)

Here are the interior pages.

5 copies of "Movies I never want to see again" fanned out, on a yellow background.

Zine: My 20-minute rule for movies

"My 20-minute rule for movies" is about how I don't feel guilty when I stop a movie I don't enjoy. I give any movie a fair chance, but I'm okay turning it off if it's not for me.

The cover of "My 20-minute rule for movies" zine. The text is printed in black on orange paper. Film strips are in the top-left and bottom-right corners of the cover.

I made this zine in Canva. (Read more about how I lay out zines in Canva.)

It's 12 pages, printed in black and gray scale on orange paper. It measures approx. 3.5 inches high x 4 inches wide. The zine is hand-folded and bound with staples.