“Questions to ask yourself: Part 3” is a hand-drawn mini zine with thoughtful questions and illustrations.

A mini zine titled Questions to ask yourself: Part 3. The subtitle says, Moods change with context. The zine is printed on white paper with black text. A page spread with handwritten text that says, Which do you enjoy more--starting or finishing? The drawing on the left page is a ball of scribbles. The drawing on the right page is neat rows of squares. A page spread with handwritten text that says Which do you find more difficult--jumping in or letting go? An illustration on the left page shows two wavy lines that then intersect into a double-helix on the right page. Near the right edge of the page, the lines separate.

This is part 3 in a series.

Three mini zines titled Questions to ask yourself Parts 1, 2, and 3 are arranged against a bright green background.