Zine station success

Yesterday I ran a zine-making station at a public library fundraiser. 🙂

The library had a Fall Fair with a bake sale, raffles, magic show, and games. Arts and crafts tables were inside the library. Here’s the zine-making station.

Auto-generated description: A library table set up for a crafting activity is covered with art supplies like markers, glue sticks, and colorful paper.

The library provided magazines, scrapbook paper, markers, glue sticks, scissors, and plain white paper. I brought copies of How to make a mini zine and What’s a zine?

This is the first time I’ve done a zine event with kids. Having collage materials definitely helps, so kids don’t have to write something on the spot.

Two girls spent about an hour and a half at the table, making two zines each, because they said they were having so much fun. 🥹

I think if I do more kid-focused zine events, I might make some kind of template that they can fill in. Having more of a guide might be a nice option besides having a blank piece of paper.

Here’s a zine I made during some downtime.

A hand holds a small zine titled My favorite Fall Things with autumn leaves on the cover. A hand holds pages 1 and 2 of the zine, which includes the text: apple pie, apple dumplings, apple cider, and apple turnovers. At the bottom of the page, there's a photo of a basket of apples. A holds pages 3 and 4 of the zine, with phrases like Fall colors, changing leaves, sunsets. There's a small sun illustration. A hand holds pages 5 and 6 of the zine. The text says, holidays, Halloween, Nov. 14 is my birthday! and Thanksgiving. Decorative orange and brown patterns are on the edges of the paper. A hand holds the back of the zine, which features floral and celestial designs, titled Mythical Type, with event details for the Wernersville Public Library Fall Fair in September 2024.

What's a zine?

“What’s a zine?” is an 8-page mini zine that you can download and print on your own. It includes a brief introduction to zines: what zines are, some historical highlights, and common formats.

Auto-generated description: A hand holds a mini booklet titled: What's a zine? a brief introduction.

The zine is available on Ko-fi for free (or pay what you want).

The PDF is sized to print on one sheet of 8.5 x 11-inch paper (standard U.S. letter size).

This zine is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), which means you’re welcome to distribute and share copies for non-commercial use.

If you don’t know how to fold this kind of zine, search for “how to fold an 8-page zine” on YouTube to find tutorials.

Zine: So You Met Your Past Self

“So You Met Your Past Self” includes tips for what to do when you meet a past version of yourself. This fictional zine is a handy guide for the time traveler in your life (even when that’s you).

This zine is available on Etsy (U.S.) only.

Auto-generated description: A booklet titled So You Met Your Past Self: a practical guide is displayed against a red background. Auto-generated description: Tip 1 suggests ensuring time-travel permits and avoiding interactions with one's past self to prevent complications. Auto-generated description: Tips for interacting with Past You include staying calm, being reassuring, and lying if necessary to protect them, with the understanding that future knowledge gives you an advantage. Auto-generated description: A blue card with tips about interacting with the past and timeline risks is shown on a red surface.

I made the background for this zine by hand. I diluted blue fountain pen ink in water. Then I painted the ink on to watercolor paper.

Auto-generated description: A sheet of blue watercolor paper is placed on a measuring grid.

After the paper dried, I drew an abstract design with a dark blue marker and white gel pen.

Auto-generated description: A series of abstract, interconnected geometric shapes are drawn on a blue watercolor background, bordered by a ruler grid.

This kind of line drawing is a technique I learned from Katie Gebely.

First you draw dots on the page, at random. Then you connect the dots with straight lines. That’s what I did with the dark blue marker. Then I added shorter lines in white gel pen.

Zine: How to make a mini zine

“How to make a mini zine” is an 8-page mini zine that you can download and print on your own. It includes a brief introduction to zines and instructions for how to fold an 8-page mini zine from a single sheet of paper.

Auto-generated description: A hand is holding a small booklet titled How to make a minizine with decorative patterns on a checkered background.

The zine is available on Ko-fi for free (or pay what you want).

The PDF is sized to print on one sheet of 8.5 x 11-inch paper (standard U.S. letter size). No access to a color printer? No problem — the zine looks great in black and white, too.  

To fold the zine, you can follow the instructions directly on the PDF. Or if you prefer video instructions, search for “how to fold an 8-page zine” on YouTube.

Auto-generated description: Instructions for folding an 8-page mini zine from a single sheet of paper are shown on a grid-patterned surface. Auto-generated description: A hand holds two small booklets titled How to make a minizine, set against a black grid background.

This zine is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), which means you’re welcome to distribute and share copies for non-commercial use.

Zine: The antidote to social media

“The antidote to social media” is a mini zine that looks at how negative things are outweighing positives on social media. But social media platforms are still a good way to find people to connect with. The zine suggests ways to work around the negative aspects of social media.

The cover a zine titled The antidote to social media. The title is printed in black on bright yellow paper. On the left side of the cover, there's a large potion bottle. Near the lower-right corner, there are small circles with Like and Heart icons.

Copies are available on Etsy (U.S. only).

Auto-generated description: A person holds a yellow paper with handwritten notes about the negative aspects of social media, including ads and privacy concerns. Auto-generated description: A hand is holding a yellow booklet with text discussing the positive aspects of social media and ways to counteract negative influences. Auto-generated description: A person is holding a yellow paper with handwritten suggestions and reflections on going offline and social media.

A lot of my zines start in a notebook page. Here’s where I started writing out what I wanted to include in this zine.

A notebook page with handwritten notes about the zine.

Zine: Useless Venn Diagrams

“Useless Venn Diagrams” is a mini zine with random observations, put into Venn diagram format. Topics include puzzles, note-taking, and movies.

Printed in black on teal paper. I drew this zine by hand and then adjusted spacing and layout in Canva.

A hand holds a blue sheet of paper labeled Useless Venn Diagrams with two non-overlapping circles drawn on it. Two Venn diagrams compare characteristics. Left page: People who enjoy Tetris vs. people who like jigsaw puzzles. The center of the diagram is people who enjoy organizing things. Right page: Typing notes vs. handwriting notes. The center of the diagram is people who document everything. Left page: Venn diagram shows work that is assigned to me vs. my job. The center overlapping area is very small. Right page: People who watch sports vs. people who say they don't have time for movies. The overlapping area is people who watch every professional sports game. Left page: People who quote movies vs. people who understand movie references. The overlapping area is movie buffs. Right page: Two separate circles. One circle is people who complain about waiting in line. The second circle is people who grew up with dial-up internet.

Zine: Cat's Cradle

"Cat's Cradle" is a tiny story about mimicking someone. It's not quite sci-fi, but it feels like it...maybe because it was inspired by a scene near the end of Annihilation. (I won't spoil the movie and neither does the zine.)

A hand holding the zine "Cat's Cradle: A tiny story." The cover includes the title of the zine. Behind the text, there are multicolored curved lines drawn with colored pencils.

Here's the full text of the story:

It's like playing cat's cradle,
but we aren't using string.

I do one thing.
She does something else that feels like...
an extension. A continuation.

And then we swap.

She does one thing—
says a phrase, draws some lines, moves her arm
just so.

I extend—
a line of poetry, a floral doodle, a yoga pose.

And then we swap.

The training protocol doesn't specify how to teach.
Just that I'm supposed to.

I report progress back to the team.

And then we swap.

Five copies of the zine "Cat's Cradle: A tiny story," fanned out on a green background.

Zine: Modern-day Sisyphus

“Modern-day Sisyphus” is a mini zine about 21st century tasks that never go away.

The zine is inspired by Sisyphus, a figure from Greek mythology who is tasked with rolling a boulder up a mountain, only for the boulder to roll back down every time he reached near the top.

Copies are available on Etsy.

A hand is holding a purple zine titled, Modern-day Sisyphus: 21st century tasks that never go away.

Page 1 has a summary of the story of Sisyphus.

Page 2 lists chores that are repetitive: washing dishes, doing laundry, dusting, and vacuuming. At the bottom of page 2, there’s an illustration of a man rolling a boulder up a hill.

A summary of the Greek myth of Sisyphus is presented alongside a drawing of his struggle with the boulder, with a comparison to mundane tasks like washing dishes and vacuuming.

Pages 3 and 4 list tasks that are repetitive: making the bed, replying to emails, mowing the lawn, taking out trash, and paying bills. At the bottom of the pages, there’s an illustration of a man rolling a boulder up a hill.

A silhouette of Sisyphus pushing a boulder up a hill is depicted alongside a list of repetitive tasks like making the bed and paying bills.

Pages 5 and 6 list positive things that are repetitive: listening to favorite songs, making a cup of coffee, saying good night to loved ones, cooking favorite meals, celebrating holidays, and spending time on hobbies. At the bottom of the pages, there’s an illustration of a man rolling a boulder up a hill.

A silhouetted figure pushes a boulder uphill against a purple background, accompanied by text about repeating enjoyable activities.

Here’s the back cover:

The back cover of the zine features a thank you message, Instagram information, and a QR code from Mythical Type.

Zine: Song lyrics I mishear

“Song lyrics I mishear” is a mini zine that lists lyrics where I hear the wrong words. Each page is about one song and includes the actual lyrics along with what I hear instead.

I wanted the interior pages to be a mix of typed text (the actual song lyrics) and handwritten notes (the words I hear). This way, the pages look like they’re annotated.

Copies are available on Etsy.

A hand is holding a mini zine titled Song lyrics I mishear. Misheard lyrics from All Star by Smash Mouth and Once in a Lifetime by Talking Heads. Misheard lyrics from Somewhere Only We Know by Keane and At Least It Was Here by The 88, featuring handwritten thoughts on their lyrics. Misheard lyrics from Move Along by The All-American Rejects and I Want to Hold Your Hand by The Beatles. The back cover of the zine.

Zine: Things we wouldn’t have to worry about if we didn’t depend on cars

I've been particularly annoyed lately about how much we depend on cars, so I made a little zine about it.

A hand holds a mini zine called "Things we wouldn't have to worry about if we didn't depend on cars." The text is printed in black on a white background. Above and below the text, there's a black and white map of Chicago streets.

I'm not saying we should eliminate cars completely. I want better public transportation so everyone has more and better options for getting around.

Here are the interior pages.