
How to recruit forum staff

As your forum grows, you’ll need more people to help you maintain the site. You essentially have two options for recruiting forum staff.

1. Post a public application for members to apply
2. Privately invite members to join the staff

If you have a small community of dedicated members, then posting a public application will work fine. But if you have a large community or if you don’t know the members very well, I suggest privately inviting members to join your staff. Otherwise, you’ll waste time going through applications from unqualified members.

Then the question is, who do you invite? Watch for members who:

  • actively post and contribute to discussions
  • answer other members’ questions
  • welcome new members to the site
  • suggest ways to improve the community

Members who already show an interest in your site and care about the community will continue to do that as part of the forum staff. You can teach people how to moderate forums and how to deal with rule violations. But you cannot teach them to care about your community, so look for that quality first.

Other qualities to consider as you’re looking for candidates:

  • Clear writing. The principle form of communication in online forums is text, so you want forum staff who can express themselves clearly in writing.
  • Objectivity. Part of the fun of online forums is that you get to debate and discuss topics with people from all over the world. You want forum staff who can participate in conversations, but who can also remain objective and clear-headed when arguments heat up.
  • Cooperation. Forum staff members have to work together to maintain the site and deal with problems that come up, either from members or technical issues.
  • Integrity. Depending on the set up of your forums, you’ll be giving a lot of authority and power to your staff members. Make sure they are people who will use their position responsibly and honestly.

Watch members in your forum and make a list of potential staff members. Your list should have a few names beyond the number of staff members you need to add, so that if someone declines your invitation, you have alternatives.

After you have identified the candidates, send each one a personal message. Tell them that you’re looking for new staff members to help maintain the site and explain their responsibilities. Let them ask you any questions they have about joining the staff. After they’ve accepted, change their settings and assign their areas and duties.

Following these steps will help you build a dedicated forum staff whose first priority is the community on your site.

11 Ways to Improve Your Online Forums

Low activity, growing pains, inactive staff…these are all problems that online forums face. Here are a few tips to improve your members’ experience on your site. Everything here is based on my experience as an administrator in the Forums. 

1. Welcome new members. People want to join active communities. They want your forums to be worth their time. The least you can do is say hi after they sign up.

2. Add more content. Start discussions. Contribute to current topics. Keep the conversations going.

3. Clean up your policies. Update your rules and revise them as necessary. Be sure they are clear and concise.

4. Buckle down on the rule breakers. It’s one thing to give second chances. Another to let a member break the rules over and over. Ban members who don’t respect your forum policies. Otherwise, they’ll keep disrupting your community.

5. Promote your site. Use Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and blogs to attract new members. Be smart about it—promote in relevant places and do not spam. The more ways you reach out to people, the more people can interact with you and discover your site.

6. Redesign the site. Or at least freshen up the banner at the top.

7. Reorganize. How can you improve the navigation of your forums? Do you  need to add new sections? Clear out old, dead discussion topics—either delete them or move them to an archive section.

8. Encourage the staff to interact with members. Your staff should talk to members—not be aloof.

9. Add or replace mods. If some of your staff members have become inactive, replace them. If your membership has grown, maybe you need to add moderators to your staff. Different people on your team gives your site a different kind of energy. Be sure the staff members are passionate and have the same goals as you do for the forums.

10. Plan activities or incentives to keep people interested in your forum. Fan of the month. A competition or a contest. Special areas for long-time members. Think about what’s relevant for your community and what will encourage people to stick around, and then do it.

11. Ask for feedback. Your members may suggest something you haven’t thought about. You won’t know what they’re thinking unless you ask.

12 Ways to Improve Your Forum Staff

As the forum administrator on the Forums I built the areas of the message board, invited members to become moderators, dealt with day-to-day arguments between members, solved technical problems, and planned contests, games, and challenges for the community.

Running a forum takes a lot of time and effort. That’s why as an administrator, you need a reliable, effective forum staff. Based on my experience, here is a list of twelve ways to help moderators take better care of your online community.

1. Have a staff-only area. If you can make a part of your forum private so that only staff members can access it, do it. If your forum software doesn’t allow for a private area, come up with an alternative (such as a separate staff forum or an email chain). You need to have a place where staff can discuss issues, plan forum activities, and keep track of who does what.

2. Keep each other in the loop. Moderators should communicate with each other often. A staff-only area makes this easy. When a moderator handles a problem, he should post about it in the staff forum. This way, everyone will be aware of what’s going on and moderators won’t double up on the same problem. Keep track of troublesome members and repeat issues. A staff-only area is also the perfect place to plan activities for your forum and bounce around ideas.

3. Write guidelines for your staff. Outline their responsibilities. Explain the steps they need to take when someone violates a forum rule. List your expectations for how your staff should treat each other.

4. Write up case studies. Give your staff examples of how to handle different types of situations. For example, when two members have a huge argument and it blows up to involve a whole group of angry members, how should moderators step in? What should they say? What did and didn’t work in the past?

5. Make sure your staff knows that the rules apply to everyone. Staff members should follow the forum rules just like regular members. If a moderator violates a rule, he must face the same consequences as a regular member would. Don’t play favorites with your staff and don’t excuse inappropriate behavior.

6. Resolve differences among your staff. Sometimes staff members will disagree about how to handle an issue. As the administrator, it’s up to you to resolve those differences. Don’t take sides, but instead figure out the solution that is best for the community.

7. Demote inactive moderators. Moderators should be regular visitors who have an interest in reading discussions and talking with members. If you have a moderator on the staff who doesn’t visit your site anymore, you should demote her to a regular member. Otherwise, you and your members might think an area of the forum is covered when really no one is there.

8. Appoint new moderators as necessary. When you replace inactive moderators or when your community grows, you will need to add new staff members. Look for active members who are engaged in the community: people who start new discussions, welcome new members, follow the rules, and look for ways to improve the community.

9. Reassign areas and/or duties. Chances are, your staff members are volunteers. They want to enjoy working on your community. If you assign moderators to specific parts of the forum, make sure your moderators care about the discussions they oversee. If you have moderators in charge of running contests or other activities, make sure those moderators enjoy what they do. If moderators aren’t having fun, change up responsibilities so people can work on the parts of your community that they enjoy.

10. Utilize staff talents. Is one of your moderators good with Photoshop? Ask him to make a new banner for your forum when you need one. Is one of your moderators super friendly? Appoint her to welcome each new member to your community.

11. Listen to your staff. As a whole, your staff members cover more of the forum than you can, and they interact with more members than you do. Ask for input about what is and isn’t working in your community. Moderators will be happy to voice their opinions, and you’ll be better equipped to make positive changes.

12. Lead by example. Members look up to moderators, and moderators look up to the administrator. Each time you handle an issue, talk to a disruptive member, or plan a forum activity, your moderators will be paying attention. What you do on the forum should be a good example of what you want your moderators to do.

These tips and techniques should help your forum staff be more effective as a team and take better care of your community.

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