Newsletter recommendations

What I like about newsletters (and blogs!) is that you can read them whenever you want. These posts aren’t dependent on real-time conversations or algorithmic feeds. The reader chooses when to read new posts. I’ve been enjoying newsletters more in recent months, especially since social media platforms seem to be…faltering.

Here are a few newsletters I recommend, in no particular order.

Orbital Operations – Warren Ellis (creator of Castlevania on Netflix and best-selling author) talks about his writing process for screenwriting and comics.

This Is Joe Boyd – Joe (mixed-media artist) shares his process for creating art and where he finds inspiration.

Robin Sloan – Robin (author and programmer) writes about books, media, and technology.

Sheri Roloff – Sheri (author, illustrator, and visual storyteller) shares behind-the-scenes of her creative projects.

Modern Relics – Rohan Salmond (religion specialist) writes about the overlap of religion, pop culture, and the internet.

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