
Balancing stock and flow

This is from a blog post that’s 14 years old, and it’s still relevant today:

​Flow is the feed. It’s the posts and the tweets. It’s the stream of daily and sub-daily updates that reminds people you exist.

Stock is the durable stuff. It’s the content you produce that’s as interesting in two months (or two years) as it is today. It’s what people discover via search. It’s what spreads slowly but surely, building fans over time.

“Stock and Flow” by Robin Sloan​

I’ve been sharing my stock here on Mythical Type for years. But with the loss of Twitter (I stopped using it in 2022), I haven’t had anywhere for text-based flow.

When I found out about micro.blog, I got excited for the opportunity to have a place for short text posts again. That’s primarily what I want for kalikambo.com. And, I operate with the mindset that smaller, shorter work can build into larger work. So stuff in the flow isn’t only for the flow. Some of it could become stock in the future. This is how I hope to stay in balance between what I post on Mythical Type and kalikambo.com.​

Navigation updates

I made some navigation changes today.

The Follow page now lives under About in the top menu. Now the Follow page only lists links to where I post online.

All the other links that were on the Follow page are now on the Linkroll page (which is in the top navigation menu, under Collections). I’ll continue to update that list over time. I’m calling it linkroll off of “blogroll”…because my list is more than blog links.

I added a Resources page under Collections. That will be to list resources related to art, zines, and community building.

I removed the sidebar from some pages because it felt cluttered and redundant.

I am now part of the Smallweb Subway, on the zine line! If you go to my zines page and scroll all the way down, you’ll see a couple arrow buttons. Those are webring buttons! Clicking the left or right arrow will take you to the next zine-related site in the webring. It’s new, so not many sites yet. But hopefully it grows!


The one where I risked breaking my blog.

But all is well. I’m still here.

Yesterday I wanted to title these log posts with the date. That reminded me how my blog URLs include the year and month (like, 2024/01). So yesterday when I made my log post, the end of the URL looked like 2024/01/21Jan2024.


I’ve been meaning to change my blog post structure so that it doesn’t include year and month in the URL. (Let my blog join the mid-2000s at last haha.) I was hesitating because I have posts on here going back to 2008 and who knows how many links I would break in the process?

Well, the answer is 36 links. And most of them were on a couple static pages and in blog posts from the last two years.

I fixed those broken links, and that wasn’t so bad. Now my blog posts will end with /blog/post-name. Cleaner and simpler. And these log posts with dates as titles won’t look ridiculous, haha.

In the works

I volunteered to contribute an article to a zine about local art, music, and history. I can’t write about music, so I’m going to research potential topics for art and history.

Tiny site updates

Small changes I don’t even know if other people will notice, but I like documenting stuff like this.

So it goes.

Zines in the menu

I pulled the zines overview page out of the About menu and gave it its own spot in the navigation menu. Sub-navigation is My zines for now (the tag for posts about zines I make). I’m working on a zine resources page that will also fall under Zines in the top navigation.

Search in the sidebar

I change my mind often about where I like the search bar to go. In the top navigation, in the sidebar, in the footer…In more than one location? So okay now there’s a search bar in the sidebar in addition to the one in the footer. Probably I use the search bar the most, so I want easy access to it. 😂

No more email subscription for new posts

For a while, I was using Mail Poet to generate an automatic email every Tuesday with my new blog posts. I think it’s handy to have but no one has signed up for it in years, so I removed it. If you want email updates from me, you can sign up for my free monthly newsletter.

No more social sharing icons

I don’t even know how much these were being used. I don’t even use them on other people’s sites. Sometimes sharing widgets have funky formatting and it’s easier to share a link manually anyway. I just copy and paste the link in to a social post.

Additions to my Follow list

My Follow page includes links to where I post online and a list of websites, creators, and YouTube channels I follow. If you like my work, you may like theirs, too.

I added a few links to the list.

Bre – Zinester and artist. Bre does a great job of sharing tips and resources for making zines. Check out her YouTube channel for in-depth videos about making zines and working as a full-time artist.

Hot Ones (part of First We Feast) – Celebrity interviews while eating hot wings. Sean Evans, the Hot Ones host, asks such insightful questions that guests often compliment his research and curiosity. Also, it’s entertaining to watch celebrities struggle with spicy wings because I could never. I can’t handle any spicy food. 😂

Park Notes – Philosopher and theologian. YouTube channel about how to think, study, and learn with notebooks.

Company Man – Videos about business and marketing strategies of various companies. Lots of interesting info on this channel. (And it’s helped me at bar trivia more than once! An unexpected bonus.)

Maurice Moves – Videos about everyday carry, habits, and growth. Clear, concise talks about how to be more intentional about everyday life.

Drewscape – Illustrator. Process videos with interesting ways to mix hand-drawn and digital methods.

Lucas Keener – Illustrator. Hand-drawn comics and art.

Karla Sabrina – Illustrator. Stickers and key chains with fun, spooky themes.

James Chapman – Artist. Illustrations with Posca pens. Lots of movie scenes. So many pretty color palettes.

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