
The one where I risked breaking my blog.

But all is well. I’m still here.

Yesterday I wanted to title these log posts with the date. That reminded me how my blog URLs include the year and month (like, 2024/01). So yesterday when I made my log post, the end of the URL looked like 2024/01/21Jan2024.


I’ve been meaning to change my blog post structure so that it doesn’t include year and month in the URL. (Let my blog join the mid-2000s at last haha.) I was hesitating because I have posts on here going back to 2008 and who knows how many links I would break in the process?

Well, the answer is 36 links. And most of them were on a couple static pages and in blog posts from the last two years.

I fixed those broken links, and that wasn’t so bad. Now my blog posts will end with /blog/post-name. Cleaner and simpler. And these log posts with dates as titles won’t look ridiculous, haha.

In the works

I volunteered to contribute an article to a zine about local art, music, and history. I can’t write about music, so I’m going to research potential topics for art and history.

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