Washi tape as collage pieces

I’m working on a new zine, and I want to share some process pics with you. 🙂 I’m making pages with black and white illustrations and then using washi tape to make collage elements.

Here’s how I’m doing it.

1. Draw the picture in black ink.

2. Lay a piece of tracing paper over the drawing. With a pencil, outline the area where washi tape will go. For this page, I wanted a curved shape around the planet.

3. Use washi tape to cover the area outlined in pencil. I kept even lines of tape but you could overlap pieces or rip the tape into smaller pieces.

4. Flip the tracing paper over. Use scissors to cut along the pencil line.

5. Glue the washi tape piece onto the drawing.

1 thought on “Washi tape as collage pieces”

  1. Pingback: 13Jul2024 – Mythical Type

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