Supporting my work on Ko-fi

I keep forgetting to tell you I’m on Ko-fi.

About a year ago, I set up a page on Ko-fi. Ko-fi is basically a tip jar on the internet. Over time they’ve added features for fundraising goals, online shops, and monthly subscriptions (similar to Patreon). 

But at its most basic, you can pay a few dollars to support a creator you like. It’s a way to say thank you for their work.

I’ve used Ko-fi to tip writers, mobile game developers, and musicians. I enjoy their work, and I appreciate the opportunity to support them.

I don’t have any expectations for my Ko-fi page. I don’t want anyone to feel obligated to leave a tip. Ko-fi is simply there if you have the means, enjoy my work, and want to support me. Donations go towards my art supplies, web hosting costs, and, of course, coffee.  

I don’t have any plans to have a paid community or monthly subscriptions. When I post updates to Ko-fi, they are the same updates you can see on my blog, Instagram, and newsletter.

So, nothing fancy. Nothing exclusive. Just my tip jar on the internet.

Of course, other ways you can support my work are by sharing my blog posts, Instagram photos,  and newsletter with people you think would enjoy them.

My favorite thing about making art and posting it is connecting with people. If you’re helping form those connections, I really appreciate that! 

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