Zine: Cat’s Cradle

“Cat’s Cradle” is a tiny story about mimicking someone. It’s not quite sci-fi, but it feels like it…maybe because it was inspired by a scene near the end of Annihilation. (I won’t spoil the movie and neither does the zine.)

A hand holding the zine "Cat's Cradle: A tiny story." The cover includes the title of the zine. Behind the text, there are multicolored curved lines drawn with colored pencils.

Here’s the full text of the story:

It’s like playing cat’s cradle,
but we aren’t using string.

I do one thing.
She does something else that feels like…
an extension. A continuation.

And then we swap.

She does one thing—
says a phrase, draws some lines, moves her arm
just so.

I extend—
a line of poetry, a floral doodle, a yoga pose.

And then we swap.

The training protocol doesn’t specify how to teach.
Just that I’m supposed to.

I report progress back to the team.

And then we swap.

Five copies of the zine "Cat's Cradle: A tiny story," fanned out on a green background.

Zine: Hipster Doctor Who

Doctor Who celebrates its 60th anniversary next month. I collected some quotes from the Doctor in a zine…with random hipster photos. 🤭 Saturated colors, vintage objects, and a soft tone—this style of photo was all over the internet in the late 2000s and early 2010s.

A hand holding the zine "Hipster Doctor Who." The zine cover has a purple, blue, and red galaxy image in the background. Text on top of the image says "Hipster Doctor Who" in all uppercase letters.

Here are photos of some of the pages.

Zine: Work in Progress

“Work in Progress” includes process photos and notes about how I made some of my zines. Not tutorials. More like DVD commentary, but for zines.

A hand holding the zine "Work in Progress." The cover of the zine has a light blue background. A photo on the cover shows an index card with notes, some illustrations of a man pushing a boulder up a hill, a notebook, and a purple zine titled "Modern-day Sisyphus." Below the photo, text says "behind the scenes on making zines."

I designed this in Canva and printed it through Mixam. (Not an ad, haha. I like sharing how I make stuff. Hence, this zine.)

Here are photos of some of the pages.

Zine: Modern-day Sisyphus

“Modern-day Sisyphus” is a mini zine about 21st century tasks that never go away.

A hand holding the zine "Modern-day Sisyphus." This zine is printed in black on purple paper.

The zine is inspired by Sisyphus, a figure from Greek mythology who is tasked with rolling a boulder up a mountain, only for the boulder to roll back down every time he reached near the top.

The zine lists modern chores with the same repetitiveness, like washing dishes, doing laundry, and taking out trash.

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