Navigation updates

I made some navigation changes today.

The Follow page now lives under About in the top menu. Now the Follow page only lists links to where I post online.

All the other links that were on the Follow page are now on the Linkroll page (which is in the top navigation menu, under Collections). I’ll continue to update that list over time. I’m calling it linkroll off of “blogroll”…because my list is more than blog links.

I added a Resources page under Collections. That will be to list resources related to art, zines, and community building.

I removed the sidebar from some pages because it felt cluttered and redundant.

I am now part of the Smallweb Subway, on the zine line! If you go to my zines page and scroll all the way down, you’ll see a couple arrow buttons. Those are webring buttons! Clicking the left or right arrow will take you to the next zine-related site in the webring. It’s new, so not many sites yet. But hopefully it grows!

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