Alternate stories: Superman

A Superman story that’s pretty much the same as the original, except he has a different reason for being a hero.

It’s not because he feels he should help people since he has superpowers. It’s not just because he’s a good guy at heart.

Superman went to the Fortress. He saw the history of Krypton. He knows what led to the planet exploding—his parents’ neglect.

Jor-El was a skilled scientist, so he knew what was wrong with the planet. But he was arrogant. Instead of raising an alarm, he wanted to fix it on his own.

Lara was on the governing council. People’s safety should have been he top priority. But she was too comfortable with the status quo.

Besides, the House of El was high society. If anything really bad happened, they had escape pods ready. No problem flying off planet.

Arrogance and laziness. They both shirked their responsibilities.

And Superman knows.

It sickens him.

He’s trying to make up for their shortcomings. Every person he saves. Every disaster he stops. It’s because his parents wouldn’t step up.

It’s the reason Clark became an investigative reporter—to make sure people in power are honest and ethical.

He spends both lives, as Clark and Superman, making sure that no one hurts people out of arrogance or neglect.

Superman isn’t interested in bringing back Krypton.

He wants to make sure it never happens again.

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